Children from birth to five years old encounter a significantly higher number of potentially traumatic events compared to their older counterparts. The foster care system, in theory, appears to be an ideal solution. It aims to rescue a neglected child from a dysfunctional home characterized by abuse and mistreatment, subsequently providing them with a nurturing and secure environment. However, this seemingly flawless facade conceals significant shortcomings that leave many children exposed and unprotected.

Most children in foster care originate from backgrounds of abuse and neglect, often due to biological parents who struggle with issues such as drug addiction, incarceration, or death. With the ongoing escalation of the opioid crisis, the demand for foster parents has reached unprecedented levels. According to research conducted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2019 marked the fifth consecutive year of increasing entries into the foster care system. States are facing a critical shortage of qualified foster parents, desperately seeking placements for the hundreds of thousands of children displaced from their homes. This national emergency in the quest for foster parents is exacerbated by insufficient training and a lack of support, which leads nearly half of all foster parents to discontinue their roles after just one year.

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We Want To Hear Your Child Separation Experience

An independent film, often referred to as an indie film or indie movie, is a feature or short film produced outside the traditional major film studio framework. These films are typically created and distributed by independent entertainment companies, although some may find distribution through larger studios. Independent films are frequently characterized by their unique content and stylistic choices, reflecting the filmmakers' artistic intentions. Additionally, they are often produced on significantly lower budgets compared to films from major studios.

At With Healthy Families First, we recognize that government entities, including their legal representatives and agencies, are often focused on the complexities of child and family separation. Unfortunately, there is little regard for the enduring narrative of your case or the legacy of your family. However, we are committed to changing that. Our mission is to help narrate your story in a manner that honors future generations, ensuring that your children feel a sense of connection and love. If you genuinely believe in the importance of sharing your experience of child separation and family division, we are here to assist you in producing a documentary series that captures your journey.

We will actively promote your docuseries across various channels, including streaming platforms and, where feasible, independent movie theaters. Our goal is to ensure that your children understand they are cherished and not forsaken. Begin by completing the cast call form today.


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Parents: Casting Call Now

US: Child Welfare System Harms Families Disproportionate Separation in Black, Indigenous Communities. The Cognitive Institute of Dallas and WHFF Broadcast & Media want to hear your story with DFPS System. We are casting parents for global outreach. We are listening in.

A Message From Dr. Rachel Levitch

Parenting Power: Build A Media Team

The absence of communication or engagement with your children can be damaging and belittling. They remain unaware of the circumstances and are unlikely to comprehend the situation. A team comprising foster care professionals, court-appointed representatives, and counselors provides them with their interpretation of the necessity for the parent-child separation. However, there is an action you can take. Share your perspective and disseminate your narrative so that your children can hear your voice, understand your viewpoint, and learn your truth. Reach out to us today and remember to visit the

Family Center

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Create A Podcast and Tell Your Family Story

Experiencing the role of the parents who've lost custody and now primary access within a family can result in enduring emotional wounds. The persistent sense of being distinct, misinterpreted, or inadequate can significantly influence an individual's perspective on life and their behavioral tendencies. It is important to examine the nuanced yet impactful ways in which this formative experience from childhood reveals itself in adulthood, frequently without the individual’s conscious awareness.

Our aim is to broadcast your child separation story and preserve it in WWW Archives for future generations.

US: Child Welfare System Harms Families Disproportionate Separation in Black, Indigenous Communities. The Cognitive Institute of Dallas and WHFF Broadcast & Media want to hear your story with DFPS System. We are casting parents for global outreach. We are listening in.

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